Luffy Wano Outfit
One Piece is a Japanese anime television series that is produced by Toei Animation. The story of the series follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy whose body gained the properties of rubber after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit. In order to become the next Pirate King he explores the Grand Line in search of the world's ultimate treasure known as the "One Piece". From this childhood character, we took inspiration of the Luffy Wano Jacket. It will give you a chance to make your appearance just like your favorite character.
Continue your adventures in a comfortable way
The outfit is designed in a beautiful red shade whose beauty is enhanced in an authentic way with the blue and yellow color detailing. In order to design this color combination and make it comfortable enough to wear, the fabrication is done by using pure cotton material for the outer shell covering. Instead of ordinary sleeves, bell bottom sleeves are present in full length which seems interesting and unique to wear. A collar is featured in a classical lapel style that'll make you look impressive among others by increasing the beauty of your handsome persona. The story of unique specifications does not end here, the Luffy Wano Outfit also has a front belted closure that'll ensure the perfect fitting according to the body size and shape. Not only for a cosplay event even also for the upcoming Halloween season this coat is an ideal option. If you are thinking about its quality then no need to be worried because CLJ always serves the customers with the best that they truly deserve. So, don't think any more or look for other options, hurry up book your order now! Don't forget the select the right size to feel its real beauty!
Product Specifications of Luffy Wano Jacket :
- Inspired By: Luffy Wano
- Material: Cotton
- Collar: Lapel Style
- Sleeves: Full-Sleeves
- Closure: Belted
- Color: Blue, Red and Yellow